Time to make peace...

My last post was on August 10th and haven't sat down to write since.
In that time, I have spent time with my children, settled them in college, attended multiple deaths, multiple meetings, got a raise, went on a cruise and attended my second to last back to school night.  I had a mani-pedi, watched my husband and son do a "motor job" on an old truck and pull the engine out of the subaru.  I have eaten numerous meals, lost and gained the same five pounds and kept the white zinfandel business humming.

Why am I writing this long list of almost nothing?  Is it because I think that you are interested?  Actually, no...I am sure you are not. 

Yesterday during a meeting at work, the chaplain talked about the Jewish High Holy days and what it means.  She talked about that so we can be sensitive caregivers to all faiths, to all people, and understand them a little better. The article was written in a little town newspaper and I am lucky enough know the Rabbi that was interviewed.  

She read the article: 

Jewish High Holy Days “motivate us to see the possibilities of change...to say, ‘I am sorry and want to do that differently.’ ”
A month before the High Holy Days bggin, Jewish people begin  reflecting on their transgressions and making amends to others.“We have for responsibility for wrongs" and  “We all have room for improvement.”  

The holy days are to atone...to remember who they are in relationship with God and people and  live their life in such a way.  I think that is beautiful.  It speaks to grace, forgiveness and being who you are in this world, being the human being that you are supposed to be or should I say, who you are created to be.

People of faith often get judged because we are not good enough. It's not good enough to go to church on Sunday and then screw your neighbor over during the week. That is not what a person with intergrity or faith would do.   Sure, we have seen more high profile "people of faith" make terrible decisions that hurt people.   It's not good enough to say you love all people then act like a bigot during the week.  That is not what we are taught to do on Sundays at our houses of worship, is it?  That may very well be who you are but why do you pretend to be someone else on Sunday?  

Listening to the article and then reading it this morning, the same thoughts came to me over and over again.  "Are you authentic? Are you who you want to be and if not, why not?" 

If I was anyone that I could be...who would that be?  Interesting to think about, huh?  What are the wrongs that I have committed since last time this year?  Too many to count, I am sure.  Who do I need to atone to or as I call it, "make peace" with?  I'm sure there are many there too that would include friends and family.

In the Jewish tradition, I'm going to take time to think about change...atonement...making peace.  Not sure who I need to call and I have to say, if I wronged you, please let me know so I can make it better.  

It's time for my personal tune up...the find my authentic self and live that way...every day, with no excuses.  Care to join me?

We'll tawk tomorrow,
I love you all,


Elizabeth said…
I've always envied the Jewish ritual of atonement -- especially because it's collective and so unlike the farce that is the Catholic penance tradition.

I SO need to change my life.

I'm glad you're back.
Wow, stumbled here from Mary Moon's blog. So glad I did. Thank you for your 2 most recent posts-- whcih is all I've reead so far.

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