Meet Sol...

We got a cat last week.  A 4 year old orange tabby that was given to the shelter because his owner was going into assisted living and he couldn't take the cat.  I love cats but my youngest is pretty allergic so I swore them off until he was out of the house.

Before thanksgiving, we, the Queen and the boys decided to go "galavanting."  When we go galavanting, it generally includes a couple of Goodwills, and ARC thrift store and a pet store.  Oh, and if we are out at lunch, a Souper salad.  Lucky for us, the Goodwill, DAV and the Souper salad were all in the same area.  Then I decided I wanted to get a fish.  I have a tank, and I really enjoy fish for some reason.  Maybe because they cannot talk back or have their own ideas or that they just swim around.  Anyway, I asked the kids to come into the pet store and pick out a fish for me.

While I was looking at the fish, I noticed I was alone.  I looked around and they had dissappeared.  Then I heard a ..."Mom, come here".  I immediately responded, "No."  Slowly I walked over to the cages and was all three petting this orange junk yard cat.  "We should get him" I heard one of the voices say.  "Your brother is no."  Then out of nowhere, the clerk showed up and asked if we wanted to take him out of his cage.  "No thanks" I responded and the Queen asked about the cat.  "How come he is here" she inquired.  "He was given to the shelter because"....and I began to think of all of my old patients with cats and how they love them.  Many a time I have offered to take a dog or cat so they didn't go to the shelter for my patients.  I ended up with a dog for about a year because one of my patients couldn't take care of her.  It wasn't too big of a deal, I thought. 

They took the cat out of the cage and he walked around and rubbed his rear end on all of us.  "What's his name?" I heard myself ask..."Sol" she said.  In my head I could feel the wall coming down.  I decided I wouldn't say another word and maybe the kids would buckle first.

We sat on the floor in silence while this cat walked all over us.  No one uttered a word.  I looked around and waited.  Still no conversation.  The clerk was starting to get uncomfortable and so was I.  It was a test of wills.  Them against me and whoever wins chooses.  Guess what...I cracked.  "OK" I heard myself say.  The kids took a deep breath and looked knowingly at each other.  They had won.  They  know I hate awkward silence and all three of my kids are the silence doesn't bother them in the least.

Then it was on to Jim.  Mac called him and told him we were at the pet store to get a fish...but it turned into a cat.  My husband responded, " a cat fish?" to which my son said "no a cat-cat"... to which my husband replied, as all husbands who know better do..."It's up to your mother."

We brought "Sol" home.  He is a cute cat.  He has immediately taken to my husband.  He lays on his chest and looks lovingly into his eyes.  I am thrilled because now I don't have to!  Last night, I rolled over in bed and lying under the covers by Jim's side was this cat.  I have never seen anything like it.  Of course, he doesn't like dry food, pukes up milk and has no we have a cat box.

Another addition to this insane family...a dirty orange one that purrs and walks around rubbing his rear against anything and everything.  He is cute though and he seems to listen to me when I talk.  Sometimes he'll even wink.  That's more than I can say about all the other inhabitants in my home. 

Good night all and I will head upstairs and peel the cat off of my I can pet the cat!

We'll tawk soon,
I love you all,


Ms. Moon said…
Congratulations on the new family member. Sol has no idea how lucky he is.
OMG I just love orange cats! They have the best temperament. Congrats on your newest family member.

Makes me think of my special boy Clive. I adopted him from the humane society and had him less than a year before he became sick and passed. It's been years but I still miss that fur ball.

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