Change is a constant...

Hello you guys, I have been gone for awhile.  I have been in what I call..."the purple funk" and I have had a hard time getting out of it.  I opened my blog and noticed that I haven't written since the election and to me, that seems like ages ago.

I don't do change well and when my middle son moved out, it sent me into a bit of a tail spin.  I like things to be the same.  I can predict how the day is going to be, what needs to be done and how I am going to get it done.  I can even predict when a patient of mine is getting close to death so I can sort of plan for that too.

After three months, I am finally adjusting to three of us in the house.  I am starting to understand this last child, his likes, dislikes and things that are not to be done.  It's funny, when the Queen came home, she pointed out how Jim and I say, "Howie likes that" a lot.  She went to the store for groceries and Jim got some things that we didn't usually buy and when Christie asked him about them, he said, " Howie likes that" and moved on.  Then, when she and I went to see Bruce the other Starbucks, I pointed out that Howie likes the coffee cake.  She laughed and told me the story of how in our house, everything seems to revolve around what Howie likes.  I think there is some truth to that.

Anyway, marching band season is over for the Lobo Regiment and it was a great time.  Don't get me wrong, there were moments when I was sure I couldn't make another soup, chili or muffin but when all was said and was awesome.  They took 4th in the state competition and were so proud of themselves.  Marching band kids do work hard.  The Golden Buffalo Marching band season ended yesterday with a sad loss to Utah.  Jim, Howie and I went to the game to see Mac and Christie march the last show of the season.  The weather was beautiful and the Buff's at least stayed in the game for most of it.  

Like I mentioned earlier, I went to see Bruce on Monday.  He was really good and my friend, Debbie and I took our daughters.  He rocked it although he didn't do any encores.  I have been to about 9 shows and he always does encores.  Is he getting old too?

Jim is turning into Mr. Mountain man...he is outside with the chainsaw cutting trees in his carhart overalls and appears to be happier than he has been in a long time.  He is building a pen for the dogs and at the rate he is going, it will be nicer than my house.  I am glad for the dogs though.  We are terrible dog owners and for them to have a nice place to be...makes me feel better.

Lost a sweet woman on Friday...reminded me of my mother.  I have been taking care of her for about a year and when I saw her on Thanksgiving...I knew it was probably the last time I saw her alive.  I kissed her and told her that it is hard work to die and  she was doing such a good job...  Told her family to tell her it was okay to go and that they will never forget her and that they will be okay.  She slept her way into heaven that night...

Change is happening faster than I can keep up.  I am working out 5 days a week and have a big belly growing in the front.  I can't do enough sit ups to tone it up and my guess is that it ain't going away. I also notice that I have such deep wrinkles between my brow...
from you think?

So I am getting old and I guess and change is inevitable.  When I talk about my children and mention that I have two in college, I get a twinge of sadness because they have been my life and now they are getting their own lives.  This last one at home is getting a lot of attention and not liking it but...too bad.

So that is that.  I am back...learning to cope with change, trying not to keep my brow furled and trying to enjoy the last one at home.  I guess I didn't think the time would come when I wouldn't be a mother to needy children and should just be happy about that.

Hope you had a good was quiet around here.

We'll tawk soon,
I love you all,


Ms. Moon said…
This all sounds good and normal to me, honey. I'm sorry you're in a funk. I surely do understand that.
Hey- what's the deal with Jim? He just keeps getting cuter.
Love you...M

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