The Irony of it all...
I was sitting in my chair at the oncologist yesterday getting my infusion when the nurse, a young nurse that I refer to as a "whipper snapper" asked me what kind of nursing I do. I told her hospice and she immediately said, "wow, isn't that hard?" I thought about what she said and replied, "all nursing jobs are hard, aren't they?" But then without looking at me, she said, "all your patient's die." Yes, little miss whipper snapper, damn near every one of my patient's that I have cared for on hospice has died. A few don't die and get kicked off, but the lion's share of my work is with the dying. I then said to her," don't you find it ironic that I am a hospice nurse, I have cancer and am probably going to die from that?" She replied, "well you look really good" and said no more. Yeah thanks I thought, and honestly I am feeling good and hoping all this goodness lasts. I made a deal with God whe...